current church
Covid-19 protocols
As previously announced, the bishops have reinstated the obligation to attend Mass in person on Sundays and holy days beginning on Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021. However, by longstanding Church law, this obligation does not apply to those who are:
Have a serious health risk
In a household with those at risk
Primary caregivers to those at risk
Have serious anxiety or concerns about being in a large-group setting due to COVID-19
Unable to attend Mass in person
As an act of charity, anyone who believes they might have COVID-19 or one of its variants should stay home.
* One Sunday Mass, usually 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM, is live-streamed and recorded every week and it's available to watch anytime on our parish Facebook page or here on the main home page of our website.
* You may bring your own disinfectant wipes to sanitize your area before and after your time at Church.
* While masks are not currently mandated, each parishioner is strongly encouraged to make a responsible decision about the use of masks.
* If there is no pew-by-pew collection a basket will be available for your offering before and after Mass. Thank you!
The Church is open:
Monday, Thursday & Fridays 6AM - 6PM
Tuesdays 6 AM-10PM
Wednesdays 6AM-7:30PM
Saturdays 7:00AM - 6PM
Sundays 6:30AM - 7PM
Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM
in the Church Confessional
or by appointment
by calling the Rectory.